Photo de profil de Taro

Profil de Taro

  • Nom : Taro
  • Race : Tiffany (Chat)
  • Age : 15 ans
  • Surnoms : none
  • Maître : samielim17
  • Sexe : Femelle

when i went out, my friend told me somthing... look! a cute cat! then i said, can i have it? he said yes, but take care of it well. i kept it in a room and i put it with a cat and another kitten, and i said, aww, so sweet, i named it taro, to me, that means sweet!

Mes photos

Ma personnalité

  • Energique
  • Intelligent
  • Sociable
  • Joueur

Tout ce que j'aime


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