Photo de profil de Dutchess of kent

Profil de Dutchess of kent

  • Nom : Dutchess of kent
  • Race : Labrador Retriever (Chien)
  • Age : 25 ans
  • Surnoms : Dutchy-Girl, Dutchy.
  • Maître : Tshidz
  • Sexe : Femelle

When I first met Dutchess, she was tiny. It was the day I was sick and my mom fetched me from boarding school and we went straight to collect her and her brother. She was adorable then and still is. She has always been a lady, I think she really lives up to her name. She doesnt lick or slobber but merely places her snout on your cheek if she wants to kiss you. She always sits with her legs crossed and only barks if she really has to. Such a lady of royalty! We had her spayed and she has gained a lot of weight but that does not stop her from being the lovely lady she is. And dare I not forget that on a hot day she will step into the shallowest part of the pool to splash around and bite the water.

Mes photos

Dutchess of kent ne dispose d'aucune photo pour le moment

Ma personnalité

  • Energique
  • Intelligent
  • Sociable
  • Joueur

Tout ce que j'aime


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